The following forms are supplied for homeowner's in a PDF format. To use these forms, open them in Adobe Reader, print them, fill in the necessary information, and mail them to Brandy Mill Homeowner’s Association, P.O. Box 30055, Myrtle Beach, SC 29588
Click Button to Open:
If you are planning to make any changes or additions to your home, you need to complete an architectural review form and have it approved by the HOA before you begin any construction or work. Please refer to your Bylaws and Covenants understand what is allowed and what's not. Also take into consideration the city ordinances in Horry county in order to alter or modify a Home or Property.
Click Button to Open:
To communicate with the board, click the Communications Form button, copy and print the the form, and mail it to the board for evaluation. Or you can go to the Contact Us page and send us an email.
Note: To use these forms requires Adobe Reader. If you do not have Adobe Reader, click the Download Adobe Reader button to download a free copy.